Orange is the new orange.

As  you know, I’ve posted videos of me stuffing marshmallows into my face, writing Happy Easter across my face (video removed until next year due to copyright mumbo jumbo), eating yogurt, welcoming you into a day in the life, etc.
I was not the least bit self-conscious about any of those things.
Why am I squirming right now at the thought of sharing a photo of my feet?


Okay, now, stop looking at them.

I went with this color, and finished the look with this shade on my hands.
And I almost kicked my nail professional in the head when she thought it would be cute to tickle my feet.
(As if I wasn’t feeling all weirded out to begin with. Yeesh.)

Last night while the girls were singing, I finished this:

I started this shawl on the Sunday before Easter when it occurred to me that I needed a shawl to wear with my Easter dress.
I busted my knitter’s butt on that thing until just a few days before Easter when I realized that I had returned my Easter dress to the store several weeks ago.
(I blame all synapse misfires on my children.)
Anyway, after taking a break long enough to snort some ginkgo biloba and figure out what I was going to wear on Easter, I decided to finish the shawl—because the last thing I need around here is another unfinished project.

I need to figure out why the characters from Glee make me cry.
You wouldn’t think that a happy interview on Oprah would destroy me.
But it did. The kids and the singing and the hard work and the hope and my lip quivers and engages my tear ducts and suddenly I’m a disaster.

It’s 54 degrees out, and I’m wearing sandals.
I concocted a Pop-Tarts recipe, and now I’m giving away a $100 Visa gift card! Follow this link if you’re interested!

I’m drinking lots of juice and diving into the Tropicana Juicy Rewards Program. (AND giving away a $50 Visa gift card!) You can follow along right here! ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

14 thoughts on “Orange is the new orange.”

  1. Glee makes me cry too. It instantly returns me to that hormonal adolescent state where swing choirs and orchestras and annual musicals ruled my life. I’m glad I’m not alone. I always feel like a total dork.

  2. Wowsers! I love love LOVE your shawl!

    I’m a Gleester. Can’t wait till it’s back, and neither can the Stooges.

    I’ll be showing my feet next – they are very scary, especially after the Toenail Incident. Let’s just say that one foot has SIGNIFICANTLY less big toenail than the other. But it didn’t stop me from a pedicure!

  3. What a lovely intricate shawl! Love the bright orange toes too! I got mine done at the last minute in a wine color that coordinated with my Easter dress so I could wear white sandals.

    I have never watched Glee but want to at some point. Of course, I’m a whole season behind on most of my shows……

  4. Your shawl is beautiful. You really do nice work.

    I have not watched Glee, but I’m sure I would like it if I did.

  5. For the love of god, everything makes me cry….and I have become my Mother! My girls make fun of me and give me funny looks saying “mom are you crying again?” or “why do you cry so much?”

    Watch Parenthood….that will make you cry!

    Sadie at heyMamas

  6. I love Glee! Of course my co-workers don’t know because they’d make more fun of me then.

    Oh, I also love birks.

  7. Looks fantastic – the toes and the shawl, that is! The sandals look super comfy, too. :)

  8. Excellent choices on the mani/pedi. Love the shawl too – you are a MUCH faster knitter than I am – envious!
    Seconding Sadie – Parenthood will mke you cry. I could have been one of those kids in Glee when I was in high school.

  9. Tears are good. Always.

    That is one pretty shawl, FP. You do lovely work. Someday, Meridith can wear it over a prom or wedding dress.

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