When Harper and I walked out to the bus stop this morning, we were excited to see frost.
After she boarded the bus, I grabbed some breakfast and headed to the mall so that Tempe and I could do our annual Sharing of the Lip Gloss Bundle. (Pictured here are the ones I’ve now added to my collection, along with an eyebrow liner which I will surely apply incorrectly, a tinted moisturizer that I was told to wear OVER my current moisturizer, and a weird powder thing that will set my face. Heh. (???) (!!!))
And, right now this is happening in our back yard. The sun is making everything look fiery, and I really do love this time of year.
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The Fountain of Waynes is looking great!
I left St. Louis over 20 years ago and have lived all over the country but I still miss STL every fall. It is gorgeous there.
I’m obsessed with manicured brows. Brows mascara and lips. You really don’t need much more. Set your face. Heh.