Instead of getting deeper, it got shallower.

Below the line is the final installment of my alphabetical journal.
Installment #1 (February 16, 1990 – March 28, 1990) is here.

Installment #2 (April 4, 1990 – August 9, 1990) is here.

August 16, 1990 – March 17, 1991
After everybody showered, we went to a restaurant called Hooters where we had chicken wings. After Rally Night we walked to 210. Afterwards, we took him home and the rest of us went out to the field again and then back to 210. Afterwards, we went over to 210 for the Halloween party. Afterwards, we went to 210 for fried chicken. All these thoughts are going through my head. At around 11:00, they came from her party to give me my Christmas present—a rock from the art museum. At around 2:30 we went to Denny’s where we met a Saudi Arabian guy named Shaun and three of his Saudi Arabian friends. At around 8:30am, She’s Having a Baby came on, so we watched it.

UntitledThe Rock

Damn. Does that mean something is going bad?

Either before Denny’s or after Back to the Future, we watched Birdy. Even as I write this, I’m on the verge of tears. Everything is not back to normal.

For the past two weeks I’ve been going overboard with diet pills and laxatives. Friday morning, we got up at around noon.

God, it’s so weird. Goodbye. Guess what else? Guess what?

Happy New Year. He calls and asks me out, I say no, he gets pissed, and then he calls again the next day and the whole process starts over again. He dropped acid last Friday night. He had been drinking, too. He had never seen the ocean before. He said that people were shooting dirty looks at him the whole time. He said that she is the most boring person in the world. He said it wouldn’t work because people would know. He wasn’t a big help.


I don’t know. I ended up going back to the party with them. I felt really bad for him because the paper kept ripping. I gave him my phone number. I had been doing gin shots and drinking beer, so I was semi-tipsy. I hate mentioning his name. I hate this. I hope I can remember it all. I just feel really ugly. I want to get some muscle relaxers. I was so nervous going to that party last night. I was so upset. I went downstairs and got my stuff and told her what was going on. I’ll tell you why. I’m the president of your fan club. I’m writing this as we drive back from Florida. I’ve been getting prank phone calls for the past three days from some guy who calls himself Charlie. If you need something, I’m there. If you sort of want something, I’m there. Instead of getting deeper, it got shallower. It was a Christmas tree drawn with crayons on a piece of notebook paper. It was the hayride. It’s getting dark now.

Last night there was a party at 210. Last night when she was out of his sight, she was flirting with the bouncers. Let the motherfucker burn.


Maybe I’m being stupid. Most of me hates her. My pillow is full of big black smears from my mascara. My stomach is growling as I write this.

Now I can’t because of the skank.

Okay. On Monday, we got some peppermint schnapps, made hot chocolate, got some blankets, and drove out to a field to look at the stars. On the way back to the apartment we stopped at the studio.

Plus, he writes poetry.

Saturday night, I went to a margarita party at 210. She gave the card to the bus driver. She had beer and we did shots of gin. She is disgusting both sober and drunk. She said I was too skinny. She said that it hurt and that she bled. She told him that she treats sex as recreation. So, I spent a major part of the night sitting outside in her car.


That really wasn’t what I wanted to hear. The day after tomorrow I may be going to Florida. The girl has never gone to the gyno for fear that something is wrong with her. Then he went to sleep and I went back out to the party. Then we went to his car to do more shots. They went into the bathroom. They were sitting around on the sinks. They were watching The Princess Bride, so we stayed. Thursday morning at 6:30 I was awakened by the sound of someone tapping on my window. Tonight was the homecoming skit. Tuesday, he called and told me that he got the hint and that he won’t be bothering me anymore. Two of them went inside, two more got out, and I leaned over and puked out the side of the car. Two Wednesday nights ago we went to Galleria to see his band.


We all decided to go to Sanibel Island to drink. We did a midnight run for milk and Oreos and then sat around talking. We just sat there and made small talk. We really need to talk. We went over to 210 to hang out so he could carve a pumpkin. We went to Club Vogue last night, and I got kicked out for drinking. We went to Katy Station and then we came back here to watch My Left Foot. We went to Mister Donut for donuts and coffee, and then we headed back to the complex. We were all on the couch again. Wednesday night, the US went to war against Iraq. When we got there, I went to the bathroom. When we got to the apartment, they were smoking a joint. Whore.


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