What do you get for a guy who’s been around for 29,952 days?

My dad was born on Sunday, November 22, 1942, which means today he is 29,952 days old.

The #1 song when he was born was “I Had the Craziest Dream” by Harry James & His Orchestra.

The most popular movie at that time was Cat People.

(The most popular book was a historical novel about the Crucifixion of Jesus, but let’s not go down that road. NOT TODAY.)

Early this morning I hopped into the car and drove to Mr. Meowski’s. (The opening of the bakery was the result of cosmic poetry, and I think you might enjoy the story.)


Mr. Meowski’s is known for their sourdough, and if you get there early enough a batch will still be baking. And if you’re lucky, the owner will remove a loaf from the oven, toss it into a brown paper bag, and hand it to you steaming hot. It’s beautiful, it’s delicious, and it’s exactly what you get for a guy who’s been around for 29,952 days—especially if he’s one of the good ones.

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