(Much better than last year, don’t you think?)
((Oh wait! I also love this one.))
The girls ate ice cream and Pop-Tarts, and now I’m giving away a $100 Visa gift card! Follow this link if you’re interested!
I’m drinking lots of juice and diving into the Tropicana Juicy Rewards Program. (AND giving away a $50 Visa gift card!) You can follow along right here! ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>
This is pretty much the best picture ever.
…and the hits just keep on coming.
Just awesome.
I have a soft spot for the shot from The Great Depression, I have to say…
Happy Easter Puddings!
The Puddings are superb.
That is SUPER EXCELLENT in every way!
Love it! I didn’t think anything could be better than the original – but this is awesome!
The Puddings are the Best.
Best. Easter. Photo. Ever.
Cute shoes.
Definitely the best one yet.
I love this picture! It pretty much sums up how my family felt about our Easter, haha!
The Pudding Family is AWESOME!
Easter AND Christmas photo, thank you very much. Two birds; one stone.
What a cooperative family. I could never pull this off. Ever.
Sadie at heyMamas
You can use this as a “Get Well” card too.
There really can be some many uses for this picture! I love it!
While this photo is a keeper, I always laugh when I see last year’s Great Depression pic…so much awesomeness.
I am with Angella on this.
Best. Easter. Photo. Ever.
Love it!