At the beginning of every Saturday morning yoga practice, our instructor will ask if we have any requests for poses or if we have specific areas of the body that are in need of attention. (Someone always yells, “Core!” and then several people I’ll never understand start nodding their heads.)
This morning, one of the regulars requested Lizard into Hanumanasana. I’m always down for a lizard, so I figured Hanumanasana couldn’t be all that bad. (Remind me to brush up on my Sanskrit.)
Fifteen minutes later, it was revealed that Hanumanasana = Splits.
I won’t share the details (although those details contain words like Scootch and Washcloth!). Just know that I absolutely SUCKED at Hanumanasana. BUT, because yoga is a journey and ‘Hanumanasana’ translates to Hindu Monkey God Pose, I feel like I need to pound it out over the next few months just so I can say, “I can rock the Hindu Monkey God.”
I’ll keep you updated. Obviously.