The cherry blossoms are driving me mad. But the end is in sight.

With less than 100 rows to go, I really can’t sit down at the computer tonight. (I’m itching to bang out at least 20 rows each day so I can be wearing this guy before the end of next week.)

Hanami ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

17 thoughts on “The cherry blossoms are driving me mad. But the end is in sight.”

  1. Oh I love this stole/scarf/shawl(what ARE we calling these things these days?)!!! I’ve looked at it many times and wondered if I could/should/would ever knit it. I’m leaning towards “should” after seeing yours!

  2. That is absolutly gorgeous. I’m jealous of your talent.

    Also, onthecurb’s comment made me laugh in a thats-what-she-said sort of way and I’m not sure why.

  3. Ready for a Mizzou “flaggie” voice from the past? Dan found you and got me hooked. I WILL NOT feel guilty about checking-in here every day at work. I DO feel a little guilty about designing three web banners on my Mac for you during work hours. Oh well…the hippo made it worth it. Let me know how I can e-mail them to you.

  4. Wowsers! Can’t wait to see it modeled–how big is it? So fancy!

    By the way, after my super pompous comment about “videogames” and Wiis and indoor exercise the other day, I discovered the fancy world of iPhone Applications. Color me hypocritical because I have neither slept nor worked nor eaten (I wish) for playing Glyph, the world’s lamest treasure game. Sigh…I almost ran into a telephone pole walking down the street yesterday.

  5. Wow, it looks amazing! I just started mine and it is my first lace experience – I am so confused. Would you be willing to answer a question or two on email??

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