Some apples barely fall from the tree.

Meredith’s elementary school is hosting their annual field day on Monday.

If I understand the process correctly, during the field day each child chooses a few events in which to participate. Events include activities like baton relay races, distance jumping, potato sack scrambles, bean bag tosses, et cetera. (Jeff has taken a half day of vacation so he can help out with something that I believe involves vulcanized rubber tires, raw sweet potatoes, and a baby manatee. The details are a bit fuzzy to me.)

Me: Meredith, are you excited about the field day?

Meredith: I’m VERY excited about the field day!

Me: Have you chosen your events?

Meredith: I’ve chosen one event that I’m very good at.

Me: Excellent! What is it?

Meredith: It’s called Snack Bar.

Me: How do you play Snack Bar?

Meredith: It’s easy! You go there and you POLITELY ask for a popsicle or some water, and I’ve heard they might even have crackers this year!

(If you need to write a report on Behavioral Genetics, Meredith and I will meet you for popsicles.)
The Puddings are drinking juice and rolling on the river! Come over here for a chance at a $50 Visa gift card from BlogHer! ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

14 thoughts on “Some apples barely fall from the tree.”

  1. Field day! Otherwise known as the one day every year when my sensory-defensive ASD kid was guaranteed to have a spectacular meltdown requiring me to pick him up early from school! I still have a twitch.

  2. What a rip-off, my Field Day didn’t have Snack Bar, that would have been the only event I was any good at.

  3. I have paletas in my freezer! MMmmmmm….Mexican popscicles…….I was Natalie, too…except that I’m Jane.

  4. Mick came home this year from his last field day and announced: “I set a record!”
    [Proud mom beams]
    “I failed to outperform my own scores from my last grade for the third straight year!”

  5. We never had snack bar either! I remember games like Bombardment – which was a brutal form of Dodgeball involving many balls at once and Red Rover which required at least one child per team getting their arms pulled out of their sockets! Ahhh good times!

  6. I’m bummed, I don’t get to attend my daughter’s Field Day this Wednesday. Instead, it’s Mandatory Fun Day for me (aka the Office Retreat). Too bad, my daughter & I would totally rock Snack Bar!

  7. I’m volunteering at my daughter’s field day this week. She’s in 8th grade and is none too happy that I will be there. I hope I get to work at the snack bar so I can give points for politeness!

  8. I just stumbled upon your blog and am having so much fun reading. Love the field day story and the karate photo! Cheers!

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