So, I’m about 16 hours out from the Memphis trip, and the only thing I’ve done to get ready is swallow a bunch of migraine pills. Because I’m a menstrual migraineur. And that’s all you need to know. Anyway, I was going to let myself get all stressed out about it, and then I went over to The BHJ and saw this. Suddenly, nothing seems more important to me than rallying behind the man who wants to run 5K after 5K to honor a little boy whose muscles are giving out. I’ve placed a widget thinger dinger in my sidebar (under the VIB head) and another one right below this post so you can donate if you feel inclined. If you can’t donate, please keep The BHJ in your thoughts on August 6th, and please keep Tanner’s family in your thoughts today and always.
Enjoy your weekend.
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