So, a few weeks back I was hanging out on Facebook when I noticed that Mihow was Etsy’s Featured Seller. Here’s the thing. I love Mihow, and I had been wanting to buy some of her schizophrenic lollipops for quite some time. When I noticed that she had added Pepper Pops to the store? Yeah. Sold!
My pepper pops arrived a few days back, and I am in love.
I’ve always been a fan of sweet and salty. I’m now a fan of sweet and peppery. I have only two left, and I’m trying my hardest to save them for a special occasion. With that said, Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. Special. (My next order will include Chai and The Elvis. I’m hooked.)
AND, because I love to talk about my friends, please know that my friend and neighbor has gone public with her new website. She focuses on cooking from scratch on a budget and she covers everything from the equipment you’ll need to pantry staples to recipes and more. So many good ideas! (And I know for a fact that she’s an excellent cook.)
(Oh. Wait. In case you’re on the edge, the Mint Chip on a Stick and Sweet Tea are also very good. And don’t even get me started on Asian Orange.)
I had a mammogram yesterday. I was going to take photos and do a big step-by-step thing for you, but then I got all flustered and told the technician a bunch of information that she didn’t need to know, and then I was terribly embarrassed, and my camera never made it out of the bag. So. THAT happened. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>
WANT lollipops! Maybe not the black pepper one. But The Elvis. Definitely want to try that one. *drool*
Don’t be embarrassed – I figure anyone who squashes people’s breasts for a living deserves to be told TMI. I wonder if the lollipops can be shipped over here? I have a friend who loves vegemite & tomato on toast more than anything in the world, so these could be a good christmas treat…
Have you ever tried spicy chocolate? Mmmm, nummy.
Sometimes being a woman is just generally awkward, whether you say weird stuff or not.
Thank you for this, darling! You are the kindest ever.
For the record, I ALWAYS get that way with doctors. They know WAY too much about me in such a short amount of time. It’s absurd. I reckon there are a lot of us out there, though. :]
I totally need to get a mammogram because I’m 40, I guess. But I really am not down with the boob squashing; I’m totally chicken. (On the upside, I love going to my dentist) Does that make up for it?