I swam across, I jumped across for you. Oh, what a thing to do.

Every time the outside temperature goes up (or down) by forty degrees or so, I start feeling the urge to buy new threads. And that’s sort of funny, because Fluid Pudding New Threads can be summed up as follows: Every spring/summer I purchase five short sleeved t-shirts to wear with my skirts, and every fall/winter I purchase five long sleeved t-shirts to wear with my sweaters and jeans and corduroy pants. I replace my staples as necessary. (For example, I’m currently down to one pair of jeans, and they’re all frayed at the bottom. I’ll probably wait on this until the fall, unless I can catch a good Gap sale between now and then. (I have a gift card.))

Last week the outside temperature hit seventy degrees, and because I now have friends who use the metric system, I’m proud to say that: Last week the outside temperature hit twenty one degrees! Anyway, I somehow fell into a website called ModCloth (you probably know them because you’re so good at this sort of thing), and I fell in love with this bright yellow jacket. (OUCH! I paid a LOT more for that jacket than $23.99! What the la la la la laaaaaaah! I’mGoingToPretendIDidn’tSeeThatPrice!!!) Anyway. (I CAN’T pretend I didn’t see that price! The jacket was $55 when I bought it! And that was a HUGE splurge for me! HUGE. My heart is beating in my eyeballs right now. Hhhhhhhh. No one got hurt. No one got hurt. No one got hurt.)

Anyway. The next time you see me strolling around town, I’m going to look a little something like this.


When I started this post, I was all, “Hey! Look! I’ve gone three years without a real jacket, and now I have a real jacket! It’s yellow!” But instead, now I feel sort of, “Hey. Look what I just spent entirely too much money on. And because of it, I’m ending my sentences with prepositions and not even exploring alternatives. Time to eat some Crisco and stop washing my hair. I’ll be crying in the shower if you need me.”

I also grabbed this dress. When it comes back in stock, it will probably sell for five dollars. Don’t look at me.

UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!! I felt so gross about this that I actually called ModCloth and said, “I need to ask a really bold question. I ordered a jacket one week ago today, and I just noticed that the jacket is now selling for less than half of what I paid and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…” Anyway. They are giving me a store credit for the price difference. And that’s incredible. Because I now have my eye on this dress. And how cute is this?! And now I’m happy again! (It really doesn’t take much.) SO, next week I’m going to tell you about how I lost my mucous plug when I was pregnant with Meredith, and I’m coupling the story with a book giveaway! Stay tuned!
Did you know that I’m giving away light bulbs? Because I am. And I would love for you to win one. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

22 thoughts on “I swam across, I jumped across for you. Oh, what a thing to do.”

  1. You only bought the jacket a week ago … you could try contacting the company and asking for the sale price. It never hurts to ask, and sometimes works (says the woman who paid WAY too much for an Easter dress for her daughter, only to have it go on sale a week or so later, so I feel your pain).

    I’m loving bright yellow at the moment — just made a banana-bright sweater for WB. It’s a shot against the dull greys and browns of late winter.

  2. Yeah. Threaten to send it back. Tell them that you are an influenshual bloggerator and that people in different continents are hanging on your every fashion word.

    Do they not know who you are?

  3. I could never send it back. (I love it entirely too much.) They offered a store credit for the price difference, and I giggled, and all is well. I love them.

  4. Love the jacket and glad you got part of the money back in store credit. :) It isn’t like you haven’t been eyeing something else, right?

  5. yay for store credit!
    love that jacket. LOVE. i won’t even pretend i could pull it off, but love it i do.
    (nyc is black on black. on dark grey if you’re feeling adventurous.)

  6. Oh wow I love that jacket! How cute are you?!

    And congratulations on calling them. I always think I should do stuff like that but I chicken out. Maybe next time I’ll have courage and be brave and call… (or not).

  7. Jacket. So Cute.

    Things we have learned:

    1) Yellow jackets are win.
    2) Being politely aggressive wins the race.

  8. Me, I’m a red jacket person (three, count them, three in my wardrobe right now, all different weights) but I salute a fellow supporter of the left-hand end of the rainbow. Oh! I just remembered I have a yellow rainjacket! But at this very moment a man is painting the outside of my house beige. Does that take away all my points?

  9. a) That coat is adorable
    b) I love your hair
    c) you look ridiculously skinny and I think I should go to Weight Watchers
    d) I hope I don’t sound like a total stalker after de-lurking to shower you with praise
    e) Did I mention that the coat is *adorable*??

  10. Yay! Congrats on sucking it up to make the phone call. The jacket is way cute but would have given you angst everytime you wore it had you simply swallowed the price as it was. (“Yes, this Starbucks in my yellow coat is good, but it would be even better if the coat was half the price and therefore my drink was paid for with the savings”. Yes, that’s how I think) Happy shopping!

  11. They are totally getting their money’s-worth in extra traffic out of that credit they gave you. GREAT customer service, and great PR as a result. Good show!

    I want you to want that “Bright Awakening” butterfly top to go with one of your skirts — it would look *great* on you!

  12. I followed your link to Midcloth when you were tweeting about them and lost an hour of my life.

    Your coat was worth the $55. So cute! I bought a coat I’ve been coveting recently for $133, but it was originally $395, so I tried to justify it, but instead I still feel like I’ve got a chicken bone stuck in my throat. I would show it off, but it’s a boring charcoal colour, unlike your fabulous yellow coat.

    By all of which I mean to say that I love your coat!

  13. When you wear the “Angelique Dress” can I CALL you “Angelique”?
    Use your store credit for that one because I love it (a great reason), and because you will look fabulous (a greater reason)!

  14. What a good idea to ask for a price adjustment! That makes me happy, and more inclined to order from Mod Cloth. Yay! I want to buy that jacket, but already have a similar red one.

  15. the coat looks great on! i’ve never purchased from modcloth…just admired their clothes…now that i know about their awesome customer service i might take the plunge and actually buy from there…
    and on an totally unrelated note…my mom lives in justin bieber’s hometown..and we just saw his movie last night (my 7 year old thinks he is the “cutest boy ever”) i don’t know what all the bieb hate is about either…?!…

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