A few months back, I entered a contest to win a customized ruffle necklace at the Just Expressive Facebook page.
Because I’m The Luckiest, I won the contest!
The artist contacted me right away, e-mailed a few images of sample necklaces, and asked me to let her know what I prefer. So tricky. I loved every sample in the photos, and I couldn’t make up my mind. I then told her that I love orange, bright is good, and I totally trust her artistic vision, because I love everything at her Etsy site. (Check this necklace out. It’s beautiful. And: Look. It’s a t-shirt ring!) ((I also want these earrings.))
A few weeks later, I received this in the mail:
This is the most whimsical piece of jewelry I’ve ever owned, and I love it so much. So much that I want to become That Smart Lady Who Makes Cake Balls and Wears Whimsical Jewelry and Skirts!
This is me wearing my necklace and giving you a bit of a brooding side stare, as smart ladies often do before they make cake balls while wearing whimsical jewelry and skirts.
I’ve worn the necklace in public twice now, and it received compliments Both Times, which indicates a Necklace Success Rate (NSR) of 100%. One woman even commented that it’s the happiest necklace she’s ever seen. And she was right. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>
And Scout pokes her cuteness into the picture. That’s a 100% OCP (overall cute picture) rate.
Yeah, but that necklace, plus your yellow jacket, plus you eating a watermelon cake ball (all at the same time)…too much!
So, Smart Lady Wearing Whimsical Jewelry While Making Cake Balls, thankfully thy middle name is Moderation :-)
wish I were whimsical enough to wear that! Very cute.
You look beautiful.
You are an inspiration. I would have dithered forever, refused to make a decision, insisted on my right to make a decision, and then months would have passed and I would have no necklace.
I’m so glad you love your necklace!
It’s funny, I never thought of myself as someone so entrenched in whimsy before, but if the occasion calls for it, I am all about it.
Thank you for your sweet post and for entering my giveaway!