It’s the Fluid Pudding BreadPuddingAlong!

On Sunday afternoon, I walked into the grocery store at the same time as an older woman with crazy red hair.


I grabbed a cart. She grabbed a cart. I headed toward the applesauce. She screamed, “WHERE ARE THE PINEAPPLE TIDBITS?!”


One of the store managers came over and told her to head to Aisle 11. Because Aisle 11 was also the applesauce aisle, I secretly felt a small thrill at the thought that I might be able to help this woman locate her tidbits.


As I grabbed my applesauce (the strawberry kind, because the kids are NUTS for it), I saw her choosing her tidbits about twenty feet down the aisle from me. As she threw them into her cart, she screamed, “WHERE IS THE DURKEE NUTMEG?!”


The manager ran over and explained that they don’t carry Durkee spices and would she settle for McCormick Nutmeg? “BUT I HAVE A *COUPON*!!!”


I had only a few things that I needed to pick up at the store (applesauce, peanut butter, bananas, black beans), and the firecracker continued to explode with every item on her list. (“WHERE ARE THE PORK TENDERLOINS?!”) I’m sure the manager didn’t love her, but I did.


Banana Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding from Veganomicon. I’m sure the kids won’t love it, but I did. Please let me know if you BreadPuddingedAlong! ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

14 thoughts on “It’s the Fluid Pudding BreadPuddingAlong!”

  1. As someone who is halfway to becoming that lady (and currently has crazy reddish hair), I’m relieved that you like her.

  2. I needed a laugh! This did it! A laugh accompanied by drooling over the photos. ….good thing my office door is closed, so no one can see me laughing/drooling. I am officially stealing this recipe (although I will dairify it for my family) and because I’m going to make it after the kids are in bed, I will substitute almonds for the chocolate chips, and call it breakfast.

    I would love to just follow the lady around and then see if I could predict what she would yell out next! Or play “guess the recipe” with her shouted ingredients. Good fun!

  3. GOLDURNIT. I fully intended to BreadPuddingAlong but then this week tried to kill me. If it turns out I am not, in fact, allergic to Cipro then I will TOTALLY make a gluten/grain/dairy-free bread pudding. Belatedly. For reals.

  4. This looks incredibly delicious! (Although, I don’t do much baking these days.) Love the story, and, like Elsiroomom, I would have loved to follow that lady through the store to guess the recipe(s).

  5. I am going to be the crazy red headed lady in the not too distant future. Except my hair will be grey. Crazy, but grey.


    Yep. That’ll be me.

  6. Why can’t you just invite me over to eat your bread pudding? Because yours looks delicious and I’m incredibly lazy.

  7. At least your grocery store experience wasn’t boring. :)

    elsiroomom, when you dairyify the recipe, do you use a straight substitution i.e. 2% milk for the soy? I know, we’re heathens but also allergic to soy. Go figure.

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