Sweet dreams are made of this.


I had a very crazy dream on the couch. In the dream Henry was a horse and he took me and Scout to Subway and I must have been dreaming really hard because I ate something at Subway. What I ate was a sandwich with italian bread, not a foot long, and it had lettuce and ham. I was wondering if we could go to Subway for dinner.
Love, Harper 

I love that she knew she was dreaming really hard not because she was riding to a restaurant on the back of a 50 pound dog, but because she actually ate something from Subway. (Harper is my picky eater. She won’t eat sandwiches.) Last night we made her dream come true, and she actually ate a ham and lettuce sandwich. ((Henry and Scout stayed home.))

Dogs in a Box

This morning at approximately 3:00, Meredith shouted out for Jeff. She had just experienced a dream during which she threw up (in the dream).

Meredith: It makes me nervous because I’m wondering if my dream is trying to predict my future and maybe I should take a stomach pill.

Me: I was just dreaming that I was running on gravel because someone broke my fountain pen at a party and there were snakes and raccoons in the house. I hope my dream isn’t trying to predict my future.

Harper (half-asleep): Don’t worry, Meredith. I’ve had lots of dreams where I pooped in the bed, and it’s only happened once or twice in real life. Ha. Ha ha. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

(Meredith did not throw up. The only animals in the house are the ones we adopted. Harper hasn’t defecated in the bed since before she could walk. All is well. Enjoy your Sunday.) ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

8 thoughts on “Sweet dreams are made of this.”

  1. I don’t think I ever knew how different in size Henry and Scout are! Have I never seen a picture of them together? WHAT’S WRONG WITH MEEE?

  2. The Emily comment here too!!!!!

    (Also, v. glad that all is well in the House of Pudding. Potential vomiting and pooping and snakes and raccoons in the house? Oh my!)

  3. Excellent news that she dreamed she ate something good (some kids dream they are swimming in chocolate oceans) AND that she got her dream come true (except for the riding the dog to Subway). In my house, I’m the only one who has entertaining dreams.

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