I took a pass to tub it out.

I meant to write yesterday. I really did. BUT, I spent most of the morning hauling trash to the street (TONS of it, and that’s only a slight exaggeration) and then I spent most of the evening hauling trash to the street and then we went out for burritos (as we do) and then I drove home in wind and rain and all I really wanted to do at 9:00 was this:


So that’s exactly what I did.
This morning we spent a little more time at the house cleaning out the garage and shack, and tomorrow we’ll do the floors and on Monday we’ll sign our closing papers. Done.

Every time I crack an egg, I crush the shell before throwing it into the trash. AND, when I crush the shell, I say the following words to myself: Always crush your egg shells, because kitchen witches use them for boats. I remember kitchen witches being a thing when I was a kid, but no one else seems to remember them.

The temperature is twenty degrees cooler today than it was yesterday at this time. A friend of mine told me that all she wants to do is knit, and I couldn’t agree more. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

12 thoughts on “I took a pass to tub it out.”

  1. Is this the tub at the new house?! Lucky lady! Get yourself some bath melts or bath bombs from LUSH and enjoy the heck out of it. (I have not read Fangirl yet, but it’s high on my to-read list. Let us know how you like it!)

    And yes, this is the season of pumpkin spice lattes and knitting. BRING IT, I say.

  2. That doesn’t look like scrambled eggs in the tub there, lady.

    Also? I must know the conclusion to the Non-Erasing Chalkboard. It’s a novella that *needs* a resolution, preferably a clean one.

    And you have a shack at your former house?! What happens in the shack? What exactly *is* a shack?!

    I gave up all alcohol two years ago today, so my punchiness this evening is solely due to visiting extended family this weekend. Ahem.

  3. Oh, that tub looks amazing. And it sounds like all baths have been fully earned!
    Kitchen witch rings a distant bell for me – but I’m going to have to think hard to remember the context. (Monday is tomorrow! So! close!)

  4. That tub looks so lovely. If it wasn’t totally weird for many, many reasons, I would jump in there with you. In a swimsuit. Of course.

    It is indeed latte and knitting weather. And starting to fret about Halloween costumes weather.

  5. I did not know that about the kitchen witches. What are they going to do when they sail around my kitchen in their little eggshell boats.

  6. I remember it as just being ‘witches’ as opposed to specifically ‘kitchen witches’ and my 18 year-old taught it to some new converts whilst on farm work experience this Summer – spread the warning! It must be a completely true, worldwide thing as well as I’m in the UK!

  7. Oh my! I would of bought that house for the tub alone! Enjoy every delicious relaxing moment in it. I would eat dinner in there at least once a week by candlelight with soft jazz and a decent merlot.

    Said she, who is green with envy. ;-D

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