Don’t write and drive.


At first I thought writing texts by hand would be fun, but then I quickly realized that it wasn’t and then I started thinking about the space I’m taking up in my friends’ phones, and what a horrible idea this is. (Except that it isn’t, but really it is.) Anyway, before I kicked off the experiment, I decided to create several standard messages that I tend to use fairly often when I’m texting so that I didn’t have to grab a notebook for every tiny bit of communication.



Let me just pause right here to tell you that my photo editing fallback (Aviary on Flickr) has been down for something like 43 days now (I’m exaggerating by 39 days) and if only I could fix the white balance on these photos… But I CANNOT.



(Someday soon we’ll talk about what a lazy eater I’ve been lately. It’s almost like I’m punishing myself. But why?)




Also, this is yet another reason why I know I’m at the right church:
As you know, I own this shirt.

(I’ve never worn it to church mainly because of the line that refers to grabbing.)

Earlier this week, I noticed that the church Facebook account proudly posted this pulpit pic.



Untitled ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

9 thoughts on “Don’t write and drive.”

  1. I have been using Pic Monkey as an easy photo editor. What is up with Flickr? They better not let it fall into oblivion because I use it to store photos (have have thousands tagged). I have also been having problems uploading by mobile.

  2. We’ve been astonished and alarmed to discover just which of our neighbors hold views opposed to the sentiments on your shirt.

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