Making a Life

Amy Krouse Rosenthal died last Monday at the age of 51 and her death was a punch to my gut and to my head and to my heart, so I did a little bit of this:

Ah, but then I grabbed a few of these:

And then I made this list:

This was one of my favorite moments of the week:
It’s the first time both dogs napped lion and lamblike on my leg. Jeff on guitar and Chris Hayes on the television? Bonus.

This was the best sentence I read on Wednesday:


is going to grow up to look like this:

Graham is completely done with me dicking around and acting sad:

He says (that) he can’t eat hummus at the new place down the road but (that) he encourages me to live out his dream, so I declared (that) yesterday had become Take Your Wife Out to Lunch Day, and Jeff was in:

Look at these middle school kids performing James and the Giant Peach:

Let’s all start feeling a little more like the middle school kids. Hands up and out and heads high and take a knee so we can see the people behind you. (I’ll always be behind you.) ((Figuratively.)) ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

8 thoughts on “Making a Life”

  1. I am struggling deeply right now, and were it not for needing to raise my 3 little boys, i would be hiding in a hoodie with the drawstring pulled.
    I am knitting teacher gifts for next Christmas until I can concentrate on lace again.

  2. I keep a gratitude journal and try to capture daily three things I am grateful for (in bullet form) (big fan of bullet points). In-gratitude (to put it lightly) has begun to occasionally creep in and I have made my peace with it — it is life and I think there is room for it, even in a gratitude journal. It deserves documentation. However, your beautiful list of things that make you feel alive is wonderful and I think will find a home (in my own words) (bulleted, of course) on the inside covers of my journal. Thank you for that. I love your creativity and optimism. xo

  3. You are lovely and I have always enjoyed reading your blog! I loved today’s entry. I have recently started my own “happy” list. :)

    Have a lovely day!

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