Also, I would love to find a baby on the side of the road. I think about it every day.

It’s nearly 10pm and I’m flipping through a book that’s half English and half Arabic and I’m not really sure what to share with you, plus I’m not really sure what I’m reading. (I’m convinced that someday I’ll come across a different language that I recognize. It’s already in my brain, but I just haven’t hit that area yet. Clearly, Arabic is not the language I know. I have ancestors from Romania. Stay tuned.)

For lack of any other ideas this evening, please know that the following eight things are true:

  1. I recently discovered that I keep my eyes closed when I brush my teeth.
  2. I feel super embarrassed when I’m making a soda at the gas station and I have to wait for the foam to go down before I can top it off.
  3. I’ve been thinking about the pros and cons of cult activity and thinking about what sort of cult I would join if I were to join one.
  4. I average around 4 hours of sleep at night, and I’m afraid it’s because I spent so much time falling asleep in diners during my 20s. I’m so tired.
  5. My alarm goes off at 5:40am on weekdays, and I try not to spend more than four songs in the shower.
  6. Seeing drawings of animals dressed up like other animals makes me feel sick to my stomach.
  7. My favorite sandwich is a bagel with apples, muenster cheese, and just a tiny bit of Dijon or champagne mustard. I feel like I’ve told you this before. It’s still true.
  8.  This is what I wore today, and it’s probably what I’ll wear tomorrow, although I’ll switch out the underwear, the tank top, and the socks.

Good night.

2 thoughts on “Also, I would love to find a baby on the side of the road. I think about it every day.”

  1. I also have ancestors from Romania, and I would love nothing more than to learn we are somehow cousins. (Also, Romanian? Looks a bit Hungarian, sounds a bit Italian! I can count to 10 and I know exactly one curse word that I have not been able to Google translate unless it is, indeed, a slur against the people of Thailand, formerly Siam, in which case I’ll never say it again. But I suspect it’s not.)

  2. Re #6: But those dogs dressed up like people in paintings? I can’t get enough of ’em!
    (Nope, no need to tell me about Photoshop, thankyouverymuch!)

    Also, the outfit is seasonal-weight perfection.

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