Today marked 50 days in a row of yoga.
Going from 0 to 50 has taken me from falling over when I try to balance on one foot to being able to do what I’m doing in the photo and it’s certainly not a huge deal in the story of a life well lived, but it may help me postpone the breaking of a hip before it’s my time to break a hip.
(Is that crooked slat bothering anyone else?) ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>
Well, it wasn’t, until you mentioned it. Gah!
My eye went straight to that slat! (And immediately thereafter to your straight and steady sylph-like self. Well done, Yoga Girl!)
You look pretty fabulous.
Did you use an app?
I’m going to have to do SOMETHING.
Now, you’ll find yourself standing like that in supermarket lines. Or any line really.