NaBloPoMo: Kicking it Real.

According to my calendar, this week we’ll see the frost moon, a day to vote, and Roy Roger’s birthday.

Last night found the girls dressed up exactly as they were for last week’s Trunk or Treat minus the rain plus the pink hair.

Ready to Roll!

The night before last saw us posing to show off my recently completed February Lady. (And yes. Harper had whiskers. Actually, she still does! They’re very faint. Don’t mention them to her unless you want to see her explode.)

"Hey, (February) Laydeeee!"

Today? A late brunch with my road trip posse and an appointment to see a store about some yarn. I have been told that all my cousin wants for Christmas—all he has EVER wanted—is a pair of hand-knit socks. Hand-knit socks for his Size 13 feet. I need to see what I can do about that.

Good morning, NaBloPoMo. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

12 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo: Kicking it Real.”

  1. Look at you doing the Michael-Jackson-just-on-toes thingy! That and knitting beautiful sweaters? You just ooze talent!

  2. Your February Lady turned out great! I love the color. And could you be more gorgeous?

    I must confess a jealous thought: I wish my hair would deal with being short. You look so … what’s the word… Chic. Really. I look bedraggled within minutes of “doing” (not really styling, just barely drying) my mess of hair.

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