The girls are getting super SUPER excited about the Disney World trip next week. Although I’ve talked to them about the dangers of tooting horns and I constantly perform my Bragging is Ugly song (sung to the tune of The Reflex by Duran Duran!), I have a funny feeling they’ve been spending a lot of time talking about the trip at school.
Harper: My teacher said she wants us to pack her in my suitcase so she can go to Disney World!
Meredith: Mrs. O said that she wants to go, too!
Me: It would be pretty awesome if we could take the teachers, wouldn’t it? Hrm. I don’t think our suitcases are big enough!
Meredith: We would need a suitcase the same size as the hall closet. And the teachers would have to stay silent until we got to the hotel.
Me: What?
Harper: I have an idea. Mombo told me that we can put anything that doesn’t fit in our suitcases into the trunk of her car. We can surprise Miss B by picking her up at her house, putting her in the trunk of Mombo’s car, and driving her to Disney World!
Me: Okay. I’m not completely up on crime classification, but I’m pretty sure kidnapping your teacher and transporting her to Florida in the trunk of a car would be a federal offense—even if we would be taking her to The Happiest Place on Earth. We would have to skip Disney World and go to jail instead!
Harper: Maybe we’ll just buy her a postcard.
Me: I think that’s a much wiser choice.
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Hee. See my conversation with my youngest son here:
It’s such a good thing for our kids that they have us around…
(I think we might have been separated by birth again–Harper was the name I wanted for a girl–after Harper Lee of course)
Hee-hee. I’m sensing a growing addiction (mine) to your pen on paper. It’s a sure bet those girls will be “raised right” (Run With The Horsemen / Ferrol Sams).
I don’t think it’s a crime as long as you provide them snacks and water. Or maybe it ends up just being a misdemeanor.
Please tell me that you’ll have to ride It’s a Small World 1 or 100 times.
And a wee secret from me–I cry when those stupid dolls start singing. Every.damn.time.
As a teacher, I would gladly go in the trunk, and I would NOT press charges!