Who is gonna make it? We’ll find out in the long run.

I went outside yesterday morning and took deep breaths on the back porch.

A bird flew over the house and I swear it was a bald eagle. I mean, it probably wasn’t, but IT WAS.

My first thought? “America.” Of course, that made me laugh, but still: I’m on high alert for signs, even though I don’t really believe in signs.

If you haven’t voted, please vote.

Bald Eagle

(It was definitely a bald eagle.)

4 thoughts on “Who is gonna make it? We’ll find out in the long run.”

  1. I’m commenting, not because this post is anything great, but for old time’s sake. And I voted already.

  2. I’m sure it was an eagle, and I should know because we have them in Maine. Sometimes what we wish to see is real~ And I voted by absentee ballot eons ago;)

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