If that billy goat won’t play, Mama’s gonna keep it anyway.

School started three weeks ago, and because I’m scared to death of having nothing to do, I’ve somehow managed to fill my calendar with arrows and freelance assignments and out-of-character plans like “September 7 – PTO meeting”. While I have your attention, let’s get something straight. Although I live in the United States, where periods tend to fall INSIDE the quotation marks, I actually prefer putting them OUTSIDE the marks—as is supposedly preferred in the United Kingdom. I’m living on the edge over here! Someone send me some cherry bakewells!

Let’s see. I was folding laundry on Friday, and I came across a pair of Jeff’s underpants that were ripped a bit between the elastic and the fabric. SO, Harper and I did what anyone would do. We designed a bunny sling.

Slinging Bunnies

The only person in the house who isn’t completely crazy about our brilliant Fruit of the Loom repurposing scheme is Jeff. However, I do believe he’ll come around when he sees that We’re Going to Be Millionaires.

On Saturday, we drove to Springfield to visit my sister and her family. While there, I fell in love with this guy.


Oh, this goat. He was above begging for food. He didn’t try to chew on my shirt. He just wanted to chill out and have his nose scratched. (Confession: While Jeff and the girls created a ruckus, I ran out of the zoo with the goat. He’s currently sitting on the stool next to me doing what goats tend to do—throwing back wheat grass shots and asking questions about html and the embedding of photos. I have no idea what I’m talking about, but I know more than the goat. (He can’t read, and his attention span barely exists. But he’s really cute, and I’ve heard rumors that he can play the tenor saxophone.))

Meanwhile, the girls have decided that we need a dog.


My sister’s dog is crazy and fun and loves to jump around and play ball, and we don’t have anything like that in our house.

(Except for the goat. But that’s our little secret. Ixnay on the Oatgay.)

((Wait. Speaking of Billy Goat (which we really weren’t, right?), I once went to one of their shows. Ah, to be twenty again.))

(((On a semi-related note: Am I too old for Doc Martens? Because just look at these. I’d almost trade the goat for them.)))

Only one week left!!! Come over here, read about my disaster cake decorating experience, tell me a funny story, and you could win $150! ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

22 thoughts on “If that billy goat won’t play, Mama’s gonna keep it anyway.”

  1. I can send you some Bakewells if you like. If you want something so sweet that your teeth itch. That site is bizarre. Do people honestly pay to import Pot Noodles?

  2. I’d totally tap those boots if they were cherry reds.
    (no, not really, for I will be 45 in November and have nowhere to wear them to…)

  3. You are definitely not too old for those boots. I love them and I’m slightly over 50. If I could get them on my way too wide feet, I would wear them.

    Those Cherry Bakewells do look delicious.

  4. Punctuation goes outside the quotation marks if it’s a phrase, inside if it’s a complete sentence. That will be $30.

    Buy a dog! It can herd the goat. And then you can eat the goat, because they are delicious. Hakuna matata!

  5. I recognize Henson Robinson, which means your sister lives in Springfield, which is where I live. I’ve been reading your blog forever and had no idea. How exciting.

  6. Definitely not too old for Docs. I have a pair of Doc shoes that I love to wear with skirts (and I’m older than you), and my husband, who is your age, wears his Docs with slacks and a button-down shirt to work at his conservative job every day.

    All in the attitude, baby. All in the attitude.

  7. There was this pair of Doc Martens with green stiching at the shoe store next to Aardvarks. I think they were $70.00 back then, I have always regretted not buying them. Que Sera Sera. Now let’s all join together and sing a rousing chorus of Oliver’s Army…

  8. Wow, I was going to say the exact opposite of Badger. Outside if it’s a sentence, inside if it’s a phrase.

  9. I love.Love.LOVE those!! If I could just tell you how many times I have thought, “Why don’t you see anyone in Docs anymore?” I miss mine. I’m not sure what happened to them but they didn’t make it out of Seattle with me when I moved. One day I will replace them…whether my kids/husband/sister ~ none of whom can appreciate my unique “personal style” ~ like it or not! (Nevermind that I now live in South Florida where the average temperature ranges from “hot” to “molten core of hell” so they’re not exactly practical here.)

    Bottom line: GO FOR IT! You’re never too old for Docs. Well, maybe when you’re 80…

  10. Love the goat, love the Docs! You are definitely not too old for them. Puh-lease, those boots and one of your skirts? You’ll be turning heads, Pudding!

  11. Have you ever been to Cost Plus World Market? (I think they’ve dropped the Cost Plus.) They sell all kinds of treats and candies from around the globe – you might just find some Cherry Bakewell’s at their store.

    Yes on the Docs. I want them desperately!

  12. Buy the Docs!
    Keep the goat!
    Market the sling! (ask me about Ken dog’s invention at lunch)
    Rescue the 3 feral kittens and their mother that are living in my blackberries! PLEASE.

    BTW, your girls are lovely. You do good work.

  13. Docs are back in style. I saw a bunch of cool girls in LA wearing them with short, flowery babydoll dresses. All they needed was a velvet choker to be brenda from 90210! You should get them!

  14. You are so onto something with the sling, there are a lot of baby bunnies that need to be in slings. Rabbits being rabbits and all, there should always be a new little one to fit in. I think you should see if it fits the goat too, Harper would look adorable carrying a goat playing the saxophone on her front.

    Also, very cute glasses on Meredith.

  15. oh my. those shoes. I will have them oh yes, i will. Also, when we move from our house downtown and have a ‘bigger spread’ (which sounds dirty but thats what my husband says…) I want fainting goats and bunnies from which I can make yarn.

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