Three pictures are worth 242 words.

What you can’t tell by looking at this photo: Yesterday’s marching band prelim competition was rain delayed for a few hours and eventually became a park-and-blow in the gym. It sounded incredible.

The bands who chose to stay participated in the finals competition outside. Once again? Incredible. In fact, Incredible + Ribboned Potatoes. Long day, but I believe everyone went home happy, and the girls’ former school won first place.


What you can’t tell by looking at this photo: Jeff went for a walk this morning and this pup was wandering around the subdivision looking dirty and scared. Because I know what it’s like to wander around the subdivision looking dirty and scared (long story), I knew we had to save her.

“Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I’d have the facts.”

We leashed the dog and took her to a clinic. She was scanned, but we couldn’t obtain her current information. I posted photos online and an angel stepped up with semi-current information. Meanwhile, the dog’s adoptive mother sent a message saying the dog had escaped during the storm. I delivered the dog to her home, and holy crap that felt good.


So, I drove home and hung lights on the ficus tree. (We now have two ficus trees in the house, and both are lit. I may never leave my house again.)

I’ll be back tomorrow to tell you why I should not be eligible for Supreme Court justicehood. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>

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