Don’t you hate NaBloPoMo folks like me who tend to puke drivel at the last minute?
…I watched a guy tune our piano.
…I practiced the piano for the first time in many many years.
…I worked on my freelance project.
…I finished up a review that’s due tomorrow.
…I made a spontaneous dinner plan.
…I enjoyed sushi.
…I tucked the girls in.
And now I shall finish a hat and read a chapter of Middlesex.
But before I go, here’s what I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about: Ellen DeGeneres was on Oprah last week, and at least ten of you just clicked away because you know that any thought process that starts with “Ellen DeGeneres was on Oprah last week” probably isn’t going to be interesting. And I couldn’t disagree with you more. So give me a minute. At one point, Oprah told Ellen that something she has noticed is that Ellen is not fearful of confrontation. Ellen answered by saying that not being afraid of confrontation is new to her—that she’s always been afraid of people not liking her, and has spent a lot of her life wanting people to like her, and that one of the things she has learned as she got older is that it’s not about people approving of what she says, it’s all about if she’s believing what she’s saying and if she’s being completely honest. “I don’t want to be hurtful, but I want to be honest.” I’ve been thinking about that statement every single day. The Pudding House has been experiencing a lot of half birthdays lately, and last week I turned 39 and a half. At 39 and a half, it took Ellen DeGeneres on Oprah to help me See It.
That hat is calling my name. ‘ ‘ ‘text/javascript’>